Sign ur paws woof ya?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!! 2009

Today is Christmas..

Our family had our 1st ever proper Christmas mini celebration..

Our humans had...

Pasta, Fried Chicken....

and Christmas Log Cake!!!! (it's our family's 1st ever chance to have Log Cakes too!)

and our share was.....


(TOP: Tofu Quiche LEFT:Fish Pot RIGHT: Shepperd Pie)

into our bowl....

and yummy-licous!

Then it was the family's movie time...
Jie jie specially bought Santa Buddies, one of the latest Christmas Movie of this year...

Then it's photo taking time with our family's 1st ever Christmas tree!

MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dong Zhi 冬至 2009

Today is Dong Zhi...

mummy decide to handmade the tang yuan(汤圆) this year for dong zhi...

(Tang Yuan - Making in process...)

Our human's share...

Where's our share??

Why are we waiting? why are we waiting..??

here our share..


20 Sleeping Animals

Friday, December 18, 2009

Jie jies 21st B'dae Feast at home..

Today is jie jies(sharon & betty) 21st b'dae(today's the actual day)

so our family is having our traditional birthday dinner...

our humans are having vermicelli(mian xian面线)

and Red Egg(hong ji dan 红鸡蛋)

we had our share too...

and had a little bit of red egg too!!

it's a woofmy woofmy Dinner..yummy!!!