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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Amber's Regular Morning walks...

Today as usual, jie jie(sharon) took me on my daily morning walks...
and happens to meet this fren here...
this fren here was reali nice and obedient too! the owner can sit far away while the dog walk on its own off leashed!
if it was amber, she may run too far away... (she just did yesterday nite...too long never off leash liao so suddenly run v far...)

A long walk to Chua Chu Kang....

The above photos are taken while walking on the way to chua chu kang...
Yesterday,jie jie and her friend(brana) they bring us along with chocolate(3 dogs and 3 girls) to chua chu kang... was quite hot and tiring as it's a long walk... chocolate's got gd stamina as he's the onli dog that walked the full distance while amber is always in her bag as she's on heat hence lack of stamina, dawn rest a bit in her bag then walk a bit...
but luckily when we rearch there we can rest inside air-con place...haha...
and meanwhile the jie jies buy clothes for us too!!! new addition to our closet!!! wahaha!!!
then met baylis(don noe got spell correct a not...) and his owner at the vet... poor baylis boy, he's injured his leg,according to his owner,the doctor recommend for a X-ray as it might be factured... then after some long waiting time, Baylis's owner lobang us home in his car,thnxs for the transport!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Noah's Ark CARES on City Footprint / 城市生命线

Irresponsible Owners....

Neighbour gives us middle finger after his 3 vicious dogs attacked and bit us
A STOMPer says she and her family were attacked and bitten by her neighbour's dogs in Upper Bukit Timah Road on December 31, and the neighbour even showed them the middle finger afterwards.

She recounts the incident:

"While we were leaving our house with my two dogs, we had to pass by our neighbour's house as we had parked a distance away from our house.

"However we realised that the neighbour's house gate was open and suddenly three dogs -- one golden retriever, one Labrador and a German shepherd rushed out and came straight at us.

"We were so shocked and the golden retriever attacked my husky and the German shepherd attacked my son and I have to shield him away and was bitten on my thigh, while the labrador attacked my terrier.

"The german shepherd then turned his attention to my terrier and both dogs continously attacked my terrier.

"The German shepherd attacked her neck causing multiple deep puncture holes and the labrador attacked her back and injured her thighs.

"While we were screaming for help and trying to fend off the vicous attacks, my husband and I were further bitten.

"I was so in shocked that I fainted and neighbours had to call for ambulance.

"Apparently the neighbour wasn't even sorry for the incident and started provoking my husband and even used the middle finger at us for fending away their dogs while we were being bitten.

"The German shepherd wasn't even muzzled and they are so irresponsible even after the case of the rotweillers attack came out in the press.

"Thereafter the whole commotion we were sent to NUH A&E and my husband had to have 3 stitches to his hand.

"I was treated and discharged.

"We hope that the media is aware that such evil people still exist in Singapore and even after what the AVA has done they still allow their vicious dogs to attack humans and pets alike.

"Talking about value of our dogs -- the 2 dogs we have are actually Singapore's Number 1 show dog of the year and terrier of the year respectively and now the terrier cannot be shown due to her injuries."

AVA says that it is investigating the report.

OS: bcoz of irresonsponsible owners like them(the owners who's dog attacked other dogs/people) got other owners (Good owners) into those strict rules.... and being unfair to some breeds(refering to the Rottweiler...)

Daisy featured on Channel News Asia's 'Thinking Animals'.

Lucky Dog!!!
and i hope all the dogs are loved as much as daisy are by their owners...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Honest Weblog Award

Our blog is awarded the "Honest Weblog" by ChiChi's owner.
Thanks alot and we'll continued to improve our blog and content!

Quoted by Chichi's owner
So we got some rules..(Let me see..hmm): When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog”. Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!And so I hereby pass this award to:

=> The 4 Musketeers (Fun content)

=> Gigi's world (Meaningful content)

=> Bibi & Cola's world (Fun pix)

=> Zinny & Lady's world (Fun pix)

=> Xiao Pang the MS (Cool content)

=> Poodle Princess, Daisy & Waverly (Nice and detailed content)

=> Princess Bell Bell (Nice blogskin and pix)

5 Honest thing about the owners
1: Love dog since young
2: Eat
3: Entertainment like computer games, Tv etc...
4: Arts/Music
5: Each have different personality

5 Honest thing about dogs
1: Loves to eat a lot!!! lol... all 3 the same..
2: Sleep
3: Playing
4: Loves going out
5: be with their owners

Ok,that's all. Thanks for the award!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Illusion Collar

Cesar Millan, the acclaimed dog behavior expert, has cared for and rehabilitated dogs for most of his life. Cesar's philosophy espouses that there are no bad dogs. Unruly and aggressive behaviors result from lack of proper training - people training. Cesar and his wife Ilusion realized that owners want to properly control their dogs during walks, but often lacked the necessary tools to do so. They designed The Illusion Dog Training Collar to assist owners in achieving maximum control during walks. It is sized for small to large breeds. Note: Actual color may vary according to inventory.

Cesar Millan (The small dog Demon Chihuahua, dogs training)

OS: Cesar Millan is amazing! the dog was tamed!

The It's A Dog's life By Zoe Gan

SKC Dog Show on 15 Feb 09

Today the jie jie bring us to SKC Dog Show at Expo. This is our 2nd time to expo and SKC show... yeah!

So jie jie bring us downstair and walked a distance, then wait for transport. Thanks Meiling for the transport!

On the way to Expo!!! here we come, SKC Dog Show!

When we arrive, saw so many dogs!!!!

our 1st fren we met here...

In the expo....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Woof Bay 1st Event***CNY BBQ Doggie Gathering***on 7 Feb 2009

On 7 Feb 2009, the jie jies and kor kors bring us to Woof Bay Chinese New Year BBQ Doggie Gathering..
fun,exciting, got to makes lotsa new frens too!!
and really delicious, tasty and healthy doggie treats from smacking paws too!